The elephants head was very difficult to construct. I tried to extrude the shape from the body but this was very difficult to do because this meant that I would have to make the sphere-like shape of the head by using editpoly and constructing it myself. Because of this i created the head separately and used the sphere shape. By using soft selection I was also able to make the head look more like a rugby ball shape.
Once I had the head ready I selected a few polygons from the front and created the elephant trunk which was very tricky because the template did not have a very good shape trunk so I mainly guessed the shape of the trunk.
Once I had finished the head I rendered it but I was still not happy with the fact that the trunk looks square-like and flat at the end. I wanted to cartoon figure to look cute and round. I knew I would have to edit the trunk at a later date.

This is the rendered image of the elephant with the head. I am not happy with the elephants trunk, so that will need to be changed at some point. I also changed the colour of the elephant because I was experimenting with the different colours that the elephant could possibly be. I liked pink because it suited the elephant most.